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  • Compiled measures for Disaster Prevention / Damage Minimization via utilizing storage battery and communication network

Compiled measures for Disaster Prevention / Damage Minimization via utilizing storage battery and communication network

Compiled measures for Disaster Prevention / Damage Minimization via utilizing storage battery and communication network
Project Summary

Drew up the emergency storage battery system that enables a certain amount of power supply independent of power grid. Also supported for its expansion via policy proposal.

Increased risk of large-scale disasters
Following the Great East Japan Earthquake that brought unprecedented damages, the possibility of large-scale disasters in Japan such as Mt. Fuji eruption, earthquake in capital of Japan, earthquake in the Nankai Trough is increasing. Readiness for such disasters is in immediate need now. In the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster, communication malfunction due to loss of power supply is considered as one of the factors leading to the greater damages and delay in restoration.

To be model for Disaster Prevention / Damage Minimization: Identified communication / storage battery function
Based on our damage assessment that could be caused by the Nankai Trough Earthquake, we compiled information on operability of individual communication systems with its variability over time, and the relief activities by the local governments, thereby identified how to utilize communication / storage battery function in view of disaster prevention / damage minimization.

Proposed a To be Model, indispensable for initial response and recovery support
By introducing a power storage system that does not rely on the grid power supply immediately after the disaster, and emergency resilient communication network system, we proposed a structure to realize disaster prevention and damage minimization. This enables prompt initial response as well as ongoing recovery support. In specifics:

“Communication capable disaster response storage battery.” This enables secure information communication system for prompt initial response as well as ongoing recovery support
“Redundant network that can be connected even under emergency.” This will connect to the trunk line NW by bypassing the disconnected areas using ad hoc communication lines such as “920 MHz.”

Proposal for Government / Local Government Disaster Prevention / Damage Minimization:
Furthermore, based on our damaged area assessment in the event of a large-scale disaster, we identified the areas and facilities that need such structure as above and presented to local governments, etc. as To Be Model for Disaster Prevention / Damage Minimization.

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